Judge Fred Koberlein Jr.

Circuit Judge Fred Koberlein
Admitted to Bar: 2004

Circuit Judge: 2022-Present

Judicial Assignments


  • Circuit Civil
    1/2 all cases
  • Family Court
    Domestic Relations last name (A-K)


  • Circuit Criminal
    Felony cases
  • Circuit Civil
    Inmate cases
  • Family Court
    Domestic Relations



Education: B.S. University of Florida, 1997
Juris Doctor, University of Florida, 2003
Mailing Address
173 NE Hernando Avenue
Suite 256
Lake City, FL 32055
Phone: 386-758-2147
Fax: 386-758-2151
Judicial Assistant: Tilena J. Gutshall

Preferences and Procedures


*Any judge in the Third Judicial Circuit may be assigned any case type from any county upon a recusal or disqualification by the regularly assigned judge.

For scheduling or general inquiries to the Judge's office, please fill out the form below.