Judge Sara J. Carter
Admitted to the Florida Bar, 2005
County Judge: January 2021 – Present
County Judge: January 2021 – Present
Judicial Assignments
- County Court
First Appearance
Small Claims
County Civil
Acting Circuit Judge
- Circuit Civil
1/2 all cases - Family Court
Mental Health
Juris Doctorate: Florida Coastal School of Law, 2005
Bachelor of Science: Florida State University, 2000
Bachelor of Science: Florida State University, 2000
Mailing Address
173 NE Hernando Ave, Suite 239
Lake City, FL 32055
Lake City, FL 32055
Phone: 386-758-1000
Fax: 386-758-2183
Judicial Assistant: Margaret H. Norman
Preferences and Procedures
*Any judge in the Third Judicial Circuit may be assigned any case type from any county upon a recusal or disqualification by the regularly assigned judge.