Administrative Order No.
IN RE:(Supersedes Administrative Orders 2010-006 and 2014-005) HEARING OFFICER PROGRAM
WHEREAS Rule 12.491(b)(2)(c), Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure grants the chief judge of each judicial circuit the authority to appoint child suppOt1 enforcement hearing officers for the circuit as are necessary to expeditiously perform the duties prescribed by the Family Law Rules of Procedure; and
WHEREAS financial grant funds have been awarded to the Third Judicial Circuit by the Department of Revenue for the purposes of funding services of a support enforcement hearing officer; and
WHEREAS the interests of the public, litigants, and judiciary require a flexible and speedy system of the resolution of proceedings involving the establishment, modification, and enforcement of child support;
ORDERED, a Hearing Officer Program is hereby established within the Third Judicial Circuit and shall be effective in Columbia County, Dixie County, Hamilton County, Lafayette County, Madison County, Suwall11ee County and Taylor County. Effective August 1, 2016, STEVEN P. JOHNSON, ESQUIRE, a member in good standing with the Florida Bar, is hereby appointed as a Support Enforcement Hearing Officer for the Third Judicial Circuit with all powers authorized by Rule 12.491.
Upon the filing of a cause of action or other proceeding for the establishment, enforcement, 01′ modification of child support wherein the party seeking support is receiving services pursuant to Title IV-D of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Section 1302), or not receiving services (non IV -D proceedings), the Clerks in Columbia, Dixie, Hamilton, Lafayette, Madison, Suwannee and Taylor Counties shall refer such cases to the Support Enforcement Hearing Officer for scheduling and handling pursuant to Rule 12.491.
The General Assignment Order designates the judges responsible in each county for reviewing and signing orders submitted by the Child Support Enforcement Hearing Officer and to preside over cases in which the Child Support Enforcement Hearing Officer may be unable to preside due to recusal or disqualification. However, in instances where the Child Support Enforcement Hearing Officer is unavailable, JENNIFER KUYRKENDALL, as general magistrate, is appointed to preside over child support matters on a temporary basis.
DONE AND ORDERED this 1st day of August, at Lake City, Columbia County, Florida.
cc: AII3rd Judicial Circuit Clerk’s of Court
All Third Circuit Judges
Department of Revenue Attorneys
Sondra Lanier, Court Administrator
Distributed on 8/1/16 by Lisa Butler.